Sunday, May 24, 2015

Mass creation of vDS portgroups using PowerCLI

There’s a potential project going on to migrate off of the Nexus 1000v distributed switch. One of the things that will be needed, is to create portgroups for all the existing Nexus port profiles.

Following is a simple PowerCLI script put together to help with this. It simply creates the port groups from entries in a .csv file. Nothing else is done with respect to the migration.

It’s a practical, functional script. It’s not fully featured or doing anything clever. In essence, it’s what I tend to use Powershell and PowerCLI for, getting tedious things done quickly. It’s missing the “correct” way to do things, but took 10 minutes to put together - which shows.

The core of the script is basically a couple of lines. Fleshed out with some comments, and an initial check on whether a connection has been made to the vCenter before running the script. Typically in my everyday work, I have PowerCLI connections made to the VC’s, so don’t like scripts to nag me to connect. But I’ve added a rudimentary check for this. If already connected, you’ll carry on as normal, if not connected, you’ll be prompted for the VC and the script will disconnect you at the end.

The other assumption here is that all the portgroups are going to be of type VLAN - ie, we’ve got trunked NICs, so each portgroup will need a VLAN ID set.

The script uses a .csv file that you will need to generate - this is my typical approach on these things, as I just find it easy to work with. The layout of the .csv file (ie the column name that you will need) is :

vDS - name of vDS that we want to create the portgroup on
pgName - name of the portgroup to create
NumPorts - number of ports for the portgroup
vlanID - vlanID.

Once it’s created the portgroups, it will just print out the name, number of ports, port binding and vlan configuration for every portgroup on the dVS for confirmation.


# Check if already connected to VC or not. If not, prompt to.
if ($ -eq $null) {
	$vc = Read-Host "Enter the VC to connect to"
	Connect-VIServer $vc

	Write-Host "Now connected to " -ForegroundColor Magenta

	# $wasConnected set to no - this will be used at the end to prompt 
	# whether to disconnect the session.
	$wasConnected = "no"
else {
	# There was already a session connected - display it and continue.
	Write-Host "Currently connected to " -ForegroundColor Magenta

# Read in the .csv file with all the details that we'll need
# Layout (ie, column names) of the .csv is  :
# vDS - name of vDS that we want to create the portgroup on
# pgName - name of the portgroup to create
# NumPorts - number of ports for the portgroup
# vlanID - vlanID - assumption here is we've got a trunk, and each portgroup needs 
# it's own vlan ID to identify the tag
$srcFile = Read-Host "Enter the name of the .csv file to work with"
$vdsPortgroup = Import-Csv $srcFile
foreach ($portgroup in $vdsPortgroup){
	Get-VDSwitch $portgroup.vDS | New-VDPortgroup -name $portgroup.pgName -NumPorts $portgroup.numports -VlanId $portgroup.vlanID

Write-Host "`nPortgroups created. Now confirming settings" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Get-VDSwitch $portgroup.vDS | Get-VDPortgroup | select name, numports, portbinding, vlanconfiguration
# If a connection was needed to the VC at the start of the script, then prompt
# to confirm whether to disconnect the session.
if ($wasConnected -eq "no")
	Disconnect-VIServer $vc -confirm:$true

Sample output :

Currently connected to

Enter the name of the .csv file to work with: dvs-test.csv

Name NumPorts PortBinding
—- ——– ———–
scriptpg1 100 Static
scriptpg2 150 Static
scriptpg3 100 Static
scriptpg4 200 Static
scriptpg5 125 Static

Portgroups created. Now confirming settings

Name : scriptpg1
NumPorts : 100
PortBinding : Static
VlanConfiguration : VLAN 500

Name : scriptpg5
NumPorts : 125
PortBinding : Static
VlanConfiguration : VLAN 504

Name : scriptpg2
NumPorts : 150
PortBinding : Static
VlanConfiguration : VLAN 501

Name : scriptpg4
NumPorts : 200
PortBinding : Static
VlanConfiguration : VLAN 503

Name : scriptpg3
NumPorts : 100
PortBinding : Static
VlanConfiguration : VLAN 502

Name : dvPortGroup
NumPorts : 128
PortBinding : Static
VlanConfiguration :

Name : CloudMgmt-vDS-DVUplinks-888
NumPorts : 2
PortBinding : Static
VlanConfiguration : VLAN Trunk [0-4094]